woensdag 12 mei 2010

made something

hey everyone not feeling so well the last couple of weeks so no scraps. too show you i'm sorry ..
but i made this collage tonight because i coudnt sleep..
hope you like it

4 opmerkingen:

RosaliaArt zei

yes, we do :) meriam I hope you feel better today

Liefs Inge zei

Ja hoor, vind hem ook mooi. Wens je een warme zomer met heel veel bloemen toe.

Linn zei

Wow, I love it, the feeling in it, is something I can relate to.... Hope your days will be better and that life will smile to you in the future♥ Thank you for sharing :)

Les journaux d'Isabelle zei


I love this collage, très shabby, un papier scrap que j'aimerai travailler avec une photo de mes filles. A paper scrap which I shall like working with a photo of my daughters.
THANK YOU, You make beautiful creations.


Isabelle alias scrapsynthe